Amp suggestions for Revel Salons?

I am looking to move back toward more two channel listening with a pair of Salons up front(part of an all Studio HT theater). I need advice on amps to drive these fine speakers. I am using an EAD 2000 currently for comparison. Thank you in advance for your time.
Thank you for the fine suggestions and advice. Should I look for the Rowland battery 6's or is this gilding the lily. I am on a budget.Cabling was mentioned as anoher critical component any suggestions on what the Salons like.
The Model 6's sound better with the batteries. Without going into great detail about why, they output fewer watts with the batteries, but will drive a speaker to louder levels cleanly with the batteries because A/C line noise becomes audible as the volume goes up, and none of that crap is there with the batteries. If you read Stereophile's review of the Model 2 (same amp, but the stereo version), there is a follow-up section about the batteries.

While not strictly necessary for excellent sound, the Model 6's also sound better when run balanced.

When run balanced and with batteries, I would put the Model 6's up against any solid-state other than the darTZeel. In fact, darTZeel's U.S. distributor has been known the recommend Model 6's -- or the Rowland Model 8 or 9's -- for those who cannot afford darTZeel. They retailed for almost $17k when introduced ten years ago for a reason.

Speaker cables: I had excellent results with Kimber Select KS 3033 (all-copper) and KS-3038 (all-silver) with the Salons -- the 3033's were the best value. A close friend had great success with Jena Symphony.
Raquel thank you for your continued input. The Salons require bi wiring do they not? So you must have plenty tied up in speaker wire. Is there something less than the price of a Pickup truck you could suggest?
Kimber 3033 is not horrifically expensive (8 ft. runs used for $700-$800, and new is +/- $1,500). Kimber Bi-Focal is also good and costs a bit less (but spend a few more bucks and get 3033).

Like any very high-performance speaker, you need to be careful about the high-end components you use with Salons. If you are budget-conscious, you have to be extremely careful. They really require first-class front-end componentry, and arguably shouldn't be used unless they are in a large, dimension-friendly room with extensive room treatment (or a RIVES spec'd-type purpose-built room) and extensive A/C line treatment, etc. They were a $20k speaker that performed in most respects like an $80k speaker.

Yes, Salons require bi-wired cables.