I prefer the Paradigms over the B&Ws, but I'm buying the 602 S3s because I can get them new in Europe while on vacation next month for get this, $452! The slight difference between the Paradigms and the B&Ws simply isn't worth $200 to me. Check out this link: http://www.hifissimo.com/store/search.cgi?user_id=&database=base.db&template=liste.tpml&2_option=2&2=b%20et%20w&output_number=4
And that's before you get the taxes back (should be around 10% I forget the the exact rate of the VAT.) The Paradigms have a clearer high end, pure more, really noticable on cymbals. If you listen to jazz, buy those.
As for amps, I really didn't like the Cambridge A500 - I listened to it for about one minute before moving on to NAD. Sounded no different than a good receiver to me, and I wanted more fidelity.
It really depends on the budget - if you have no budget, go for NAD. If you can go to $700, the Rotel 1060 is clearer and has lower distortion levels. If you go to $800-900, you have a pick of excellent sounding pieces like the Arcam 750 (incredible soundstage - what I'm probably going to get,) the Rega Mira...Note I am noting low-wattage amps because you really don't need the power for the 602s or the Paradigms, they're pretty sensitive.