Amp suggestion for Merlin TSM speakers

Decided to keep my Merlins and upgrade power. Presently using a Billie amp, and a Parasound as a preamp. Would like to stick with tubes (integrated or not), but I'm not sure what power would be best to drive the Merlins. Thoughts?



They  were in a second system at the time. I ended up selling the system when I regained some sanity. 

The main system was Avalon Radian and audio research reference stuff. This was almost 20 years ago though. All different now. But for a stand mount speaker I was really impressed with the Merlins.

I currently run Altec 14’s modified wit ha DBX PA2 for cross over, line level adjustments and room eq. El 34 amp for the 12" woofers , 300b for the horns.

The systems sound very nice

However, I’m moving in a few months and my listening area will be smaller. So the search for a bookshelf or small floor stander started late last year.

Local dealer sells Sonus faber , started with the Sonetto line, bookshelf and the smaller floor standers. were definitely a step backwards.. listened to the Olympica bookshelf and certainly an improvement but not quite there.. then listened to the Heritage line and the Electra Amator nailed it, a better presentation than the old altecs minus bass but a a $ 10K price tag , probably not for me - I’m cheap.

I found a pair of the TSM’s MMM locally for a fair price , took them home and yup they check all the boxes. I’ve tried them with a 30 watt Pass Aleph,. my 35 watt EL34 amp and even the 300b amp( yes I know but I was bored).

The Aleph sounded nice but the El 34 really made the TSM’s sing.

I know this wordy but the recommendations for tubes with the TSM’s is accurate and 35-40 watts is adequate in my experience.

Thanks for all the kind words/mentions guys. blush

I won't bother to repeat what other have said about tubes and Merlin being a great combo (esp. Joule and Ars Sonum, though I may be a bit biased when it comes to that gearsmiley).

Surprised no one has mentioned Dave Belles's (Power Modules) Aria Integrated amp... for someone who wants solid state on their TSMs this is a great combo. If on a tight budget, a used Rega Brio (one of the later versions) would make a really nice match for a older/early pair of TSMs.

I just had the latest Ars Sonum (Universum series XP version) Filarmonia playing on my BM TSM's a few days ago. Right now the same amp is finishing its break in on a pair of Black Magic VSM with the same amp. Amazing what a really good 30W of tube power will/can do! smiley

Cheers! - Rich

Owned/own Merlin TSM MME and TSM Black Magic with Master Zoebel.  Ran them well with Manley Jumbo Shrimp pre and Mahi Mahi mono blocks.  Also, Sugden A21SE integrated.  Speaker cables were Decware Silver Stix.  All of this sounded quite good.

Don't think it is SS or tube dependent, just the quality of pieces.  Merlins do like quality massed stands.  Merlins are more forgiving than many monitors.  Best of luck in your search.

Audio Mirror SET45 monoblocks with 45w/channel from the 6c33c tube sounded great with my TSM BME. That extra bit of power compared to the Filarmonia is put to very good use on the TSM.