Amp(s) to go with Joseph Audio Pearls

I need feedback on some new Amp(s) to go with my Joseph Audio Pearls. I have a Backert Labs Pre Amp (tube) and a DCS Bartok DAC. Budget is $10,000 to $15,000. Tube or SS is fine. Monos or Stereo is fine. Used or New is fine. 

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and ideas! 

I am running a Luxman M-700u with a pair of Joseph Audio Perspective 2’s. Sounds great. Tried some other amps, but when I dropped the Luxman in, the search was over. You may want to move up to the M-900u’s for the Pearls. 
Josephs like power.  If you want a neutral to warm sound I would look at AVM.  The Ovation SA 6.3 is an incredible power amp and is on the lower end of your budget.  Plenty of power and wonderful levels of detail.  

If you want something a touch more forward (josephs are not bright speakers) the Chord Ultima 5 would be a nice choice.  Chord has oodles of power and is very difficult to clip.  The new Ultimas are nowhere near as bright as the old SPMs.  

Full disclosure, I am a dealer for both but they really are brilliant products
Pass 350.8 for great dynamic sound will work great with your preamp.Enjoy!