Amp repair...What to expect.

Just got my amp back from repair shop. I know there's a burn in period for new electronics, but would new caps, transistors, etc. result in a lack of detail in the sound? What are the typical changes to the sonics after service?

It's a Sunfire 300 and had every thing replaced except power caps; they did not need replacement. (Sunfire authorized service shop).

Many thanks.

Showing 12 responses by lowrider57

I love the sound of my sunfire 300 and I'm using both current and voltage outputs to the different drivers.
The right channel blew out, so I sent it for repair and told them to also upgrade the electronics. Now, the amp sounds nothing like it did before service. Loss of detail, 3D image was huge and is gone.
Theduke answered my question somewhat, but how many hours is the typical burnin period?
Thanks, Mofi. It's frustrating because it's not like burning in a new tube or a cable, which can be an adventure. In this case we know the sound of our system and now it's a waiting game to get back to that sound we know so well.
"Rule of thumb is if it sounds bad out of the box, the burn-in won't fix that"

I believe that. So many on the forum say "I'll keep burning it in until it sounds good."
Grannyring, dont know Bill. I checked for recommended Sunfire repair and bob & rita's is closed and Roland has a 8 to 10 week wait. I wont give the name of the shop, but they are in Pittsburgh and only service Carver and Sunfire. are correct, both channels caps and output transistors. And you've given me a kind offer. What is it u suspect; substandard parts?
Marakanetz... system is sounding warmer at about 25 hours burnin. But I will get u some details on the parts. I appreciate your interest.
Marakanetz...asked the shop for details and haven't heard back from them yet. My invoice says 1).Transistor and fuse blown, rebuild right channel. 2) add caps.

Parts are... 2 output transistors, 10 Caps, 1 fuse.
I assume he replaced the 5 blue caps on L/R channels. Does not say if they are Polystyrene. I'm very glad the stock power supply caps were not replaced.

To update you, it's 50 hours burnin and sounding pretty good. More detail, soundstage has filled in, has that Sunfire warmth. But I'm still missing the deep 3D image that my system should present. I use Amperex NOS in my preamp and CDP and the image should extend way back into the rear wall...that's the best part of my system.
Will keep burning in and wait for details from the shop. Will stay in touch.
that's great news Marakanetz. It would be a shame to replace it since you're happy with your system. I love the Sunfire sound, plus I dont think you could find a better amp for the price.
My amp is also dead quiet since the service...such great build quality and design, it's a keeper for life; just keep replacing parts when needed.

You've raised some issues I never even thought of.
Roland at carveraudiorepair has cornered the market on all
parts, but when I needed service it was a 3 month wait. On the forums I found out that he has former Carver/Sunire people with him and the schematics and such.
I went to Vintage HiFi in Pittsburgh (an authorized dealer and service for many years). Very nice owner, my only worry is the quality of the parts used.

Yes, they are in great demand. I'm sure you've followed the sales on ebay...they are snatched-up very quickly.
Mine took 50 hrs. to start sounding like a Sunfire again. Then at about 300 hours, it opened up and sounded like its old self (except that now it was dead-quiet).
To Marakanetz and other Sunfire owners...

This is an interesting find, but price is too high:
Marakanetz, that's the model I have. The reason I posted it was cause it's a rare find with those low hours.

But yeah, the smart thing to do is but one for $700 and sent it to Roland out west.