Amp repair cost — is this right?

I recently sent my Musical Fidelity a308cr power amp off to be recapped. This amp is somewhere around 16-18 years old and one of the power caps failed. I contacted Musical Fidelity and sent it to a repair shop they recommended. Today I received an estimate to replace 18 caps, 8 of which are large power caps, resolder the boards, and re-bias the transistors. Basically a full overhaul. The quote I received, including return shipping (prob around $100) Is over $1,300 which possibly exceeds the value of the amp. That doesn’t include the $115 it cost me to ship it out. Having never had an overhaul done on a power amp like this, I’m wondering if anyone with experience can tell me if this sounds right. I guess I was expecting something more like $600-$800 but I don’t know why since I really don’t have a frame of reference. Perhaps it was the assumption it might be 4 hours labor (say $400) plus max $200 for caps. Is $1,300+ on track? Either way I’m going to be out the shipping cost plus a $160 fee paid for the estimate.

Showing 3 responses by fixedincome

Friday I'm sending my Mark Levinson 380s off to Texas for an inspection and refurbishment.  For the $1,000 I'll spend, I hope to get another 20 years of beautiful music which works out to about $50 bucks a year.  The alternative is spending $10 to $15K to replace it ($500 to $750 a year).  I like the $50 a year number and I love the sound of the 380s.
Waiting for UPS!  The refurbishment of my Mark Levinson 380s Preamp is complete and on the way home.  Looking forward to 20 more years of great music!  Total cost was $714.50 plus shipping to TX.  Depending on how it sounds when it gets back, I'm very happy with the price.

flipwils 11;  Yes, I sent it to Pyramid.  I have never had a problem with the preamp but at over 20 years old, and a history of potential cap leakage resulting in board etching, I thought it best to have it inspected and refurbished.  Can't wait to hear it!