Amp recommendation for Alon IV

Could someone recommend me an amp for a set of Acarian Alon IV's? I was thinking of venturing into world of tube amps, but I hear the Alon's are pretty power hungy. I'd like get an amp for $2000 or under so I don't know if getting a tube amp with enough power will be possible in that price range. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I currently have a Rega Mira 3 integrated, it's possible for me to use this as a preamp only, correct?

Showing 1 response by 4musica44107

When I owned my IV's I had great success with Bryston and Levinson. The IV's definitely like quality power, and lots of it. As to SS versus tubes, some believe that the Alon speakers sounded "better" with appropriate tube gear. I can't confirm or refute that, but Carl M. of Nola (formerly of Alon) would be able to give you some tube gear advice for the IV's. Good Luck!