Amp/ receiver advice for Spendor SP2/3's

I need some basic advice about what to look for in a receiver to "adequately", or "properly" power these speakers. The room is ~25'x15'x9'....and I listen to a great variety of music...cuban "folk", celtic, jazz, rock -though nothing screaming.
Much technical advice I read is a bit over my head...but I'm learning. I realize that "adequately" & "properly" may be too subjective. Would a Yamaha RX-596 do the job ? Should I look for something else ? many thanks

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I recently picked up a pair of Spendor SP2/3 on the advice of a friend.  I have not had any real stereo equipment for a while and, on a budget, I went out and purchased an NAD D3020.  Its a nice little class D amp and the speakers sound pretty darn good but I want more depth and scale in soundstage.  I am toying with buying a Peachtree Grand X1 but not sure if it is overkill.  In theory, would these speakers be a good match for an amp like the Peachtree X1?  The "rated power handling" on the SP2/3s is 100watts and the X1 puts out an awful lot more than 100watts.  Would it be overkill?