amp rec for spendors

Looking for amplifier recommendations for Spendor sp 2/3 speakers. I have used McIntosh mc225 and Audio Note P2SE with them; not enough power. Looking for anybody with direct experience with higher power, quality, single ended and push/pull tubed amps with these speakers. Other models such as the sp 1/2 are close enough that those are fine, too, for direct experience. I have my own ideas but want to see what others think as this is a question that pops up periodically.
I've been asking the same question about powering my Spendor SP1/2E loudspeakers. At the moment I'm using a Linn LK-2 amplifier, w. 60 wpc, which is quite a musical piece, but I'm getting restless for a different kind of amplifier esp. to improve bass and soundstage, without losing the Spendor midrange. The classe suggestions is interesting; I've not yet heard that line of amplfiers. Anyone had expereince with Spendors and either Mcintosh or Plinius?
Goheel: a friend is using a 47Lab 50wpc Gaincard to power his Spendor 7/1 and he is quite pleased although he misses his tubes but does not want to spend the money on a tube amp powerful enough to power these puppies AND give a quality of tubed sound close to high end SET.
I'm new to this site and found this thread so I thought I might ask as well.
I'm running a very clean dynaco Pas3 preamp completely rewired and nicely setup along with the ST70 power amp that has also been worked on and is in perfect operating condition. I've been looking into purchasing a pair of spendor 3/5r's and was looking for some thoughts on if this might be enough power to make them sound clean enough. Also thought about the 6Se.
Please any thought are great info before I borrow a pair from my local dealer in Chicago and listen to them myself.