Amp question for Maggies

I currently have an Audio Research D130 amp, was wondering has anyone tried or compared my current amp against Wyred 4 Sound amps, I was leaning towards trying the sx1000, or sti1000 amps. I know they are more powerful but would my Maggie 1.6qrs benefit from more power than I have or would it be a waste of time/money. I am a little curious as to sound quality be equal.

Maggies are well-known to be power hogs. Additionally, IIRC, they also dip down below 3 ohms at some frequencies. For these reasons, they work best with amps that big pwoer and good reserves of power. You could easily make use of 500+ WPC.

Look into getting something like the D-Sonic M2 Series digital amps ( or perhaps one of Emotiva's XPR line of Reference amps like the XPR-2 ( Both of these companies provide a 30 day in-home trial thus allowing you to really hear how they sound before you commit to them long-term...
The Sanders Magteck was designed around the Maggie's you might want to audition they have a 30 day return.
I drive my 20.1s with the Conrad Johnson MF2500 (better than Ice Power which I also own). Its also excellent VFM.
I have been bi-amping Magnepan 1.6QR’s with a Marchand tube electronic crossover (excellent) for some time now.  For the tweeters, I have used a VTL ST85 and a Carver 275.  I much prefer the Carver.  It is a very sweet little amp probably producing close to 90W.  For the woofers, I have used a Hafler 500, a Peachtree amp 500 and finally settled on a pair of Carver BB 350 monoblocks.  The monoblocks are incredible and I will keep them in place indefinitely though they do lack that nth degree of Solid State Slam.  I must say that the Peachtree delivers a whole lot of Bang ( and slam) for the Buck—I can’t really say anything negative about it!