Amp/Pre-amp recommeded for Soliloquy 6.3

I am looking for a good pre-amp (tube)/SS Amp for my system. I am not willing to pay more than $1500-2K for the pre-amp used and not quite so much for the amp. I run Soliloqy 6.3's. I have deicided to go SS with the amp. which most likely will be 150-200 watts. A recommendation in area will be appreciated also. I owned a Marsh 400, Rogue Mag 88, and an AR VT-100, and have decided to go SS. With the above amps, I used the Rouge Mag 99. Currently using a Sansui 9700 Receiver (200 watts). Large room, vaulted ceiling, and play loud. No CD player at this time, but will add later on. Mostly an FM junkie. Using a Sansui 9900 Tuner through the receiver. I may go back to the Rogue Pre, but wanted suggestions.
Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by rysa4

Sugden Masterclass integrated. I use a Sugden a21ap with my Soliloquy 5.3i and its a wonderful combination.