AMP or Preamp

What to add next to my system, budget $5000 to $7000?  My current system consist of Wilson Sasha speakers, Yamaha RX-A3050 receiver that I run pure direct, Rotel RB-1590 2x350 amp, Hegel DAC and a Bluesound Vault 2i streamer.  I have been looking at a Mcintosh C2600 to replace the Yamaha receiver to give me the option of adding a turn table at a later date or would adding mono blocks give me the most bang for the bucks or other options?   

Look for a used ARC linestage preamp preferably their Reference series preamps such as the ARC Ref 6 or Ref 10 if you can afford them cause these ARC Ref 6 & Ref 10 preamps (especially the Ref 10 pre) cost many times more than the Mac C2600 preamp. Then get the ARC Reference series amps or you can still keep using your Rotel RB-1590 power amp for now and then upgrade to the ARC Reference series amps later down the road. ARC (Audio Research) gears pair really well with Wilson Audio speakers. McIntosh gears don’t sound good on Wilson Sasha speakers. McIntosh gears sounded good on Sonus Faber speakers though. Those are pretty good pairings.

The ARC Ref 6 or Ref 10 preamps will be a huge step up sonically from the McIntosh C2600 preamp. All ARC linestage preamps are pure analog linestage preamps (no DAC).
Vincent SP-332 amp
Schiit Freya pre
They both perform well above their respective price points
Caphill, leaning in that direction, nothing but positive comments on the ARC preamps.
I don’t believe the new ModWright KWH 225i is shipping yet but this might be something decent to hold you over in the meantime or use the rest of your cash to get a proper table.
Agreed with adg101. Modwright makes awesome sounding gears and are cheaper than ARC.