Amp Options - Infinity Kappa 9s

Hi All,

I recently made my first foray into some upgraded speakers and settled on the Infinity Kappa 9s. Being a novice to the HiFi game still, I didn’t have a full appreciation for just how hard these things seem to be to find an amp/s for!

I’ve spoken to a few people and been given different paths. I’m just hoping to get some advice on a few different options. Any input would be much appreciated as I start to build my knowledge. The 3 amp options I’ve been presented are below. Would any of these run well in either/both of the Normal/Extended modes for the K9s?




Mcintosh MC352

Pair of Xindak XA8800MNE (200W, Class A Monoblocks)

From what I can find, these are only rated down to 4Ohms but he had them driving Infinity RS4.5s which seem to have similar issues to the K9s.

Pair of Emotiva XPA-1 (Monoblocks)



Showing 1 response by dlcockrum

There is a Classe Audio DR-9 on USAudiomart right now that would be perfect for your Kappa 9s. I have used this exact combo in the past and it is quite good. The DR-9 won’t even break a sweat…