Amp help for Paradigm ref 100 before I go insane

It's come down to either a B&K 7250 or Rotel RMB 1095. I've done some research and I'm still confused. If anyone has any experience with one of these combos, PLEASE HELP.
Any and all input is appreciated, Thank You. Chrisrn

Showing 1 response by ozfly

Both of your choices churn out 200 watts and that really is what the 100's need. The Rotel is built like a brick sh*t house and is high current -- I would go with that, but try to listen to each before deciding. Most dealers will allow you to try them at home

You might also want to look at a used Bryston ST or new SST (Stereophile class A)-- I'm not sure what any of them run price-wise so the Bryston's may not be in the ballpark.