Amp for Vienna Acoustics Mahlers

I just bought Mahlers. Does anyone who owns this speaker want to share his/her experiences in trying various amps? If yes, what size is your room? In addition, V.A. (or Sumiko) now offers foam port plugs for this speaker (which I have ordered) ... have you tried them, and to what end? Your experiences with speaker cables? Thanks in advance.
I use Classe amps with Vienna Acoustics speakers. To my ears, the combo provides a smooth sound. Speaker cables: Silver Audio "Silver Symphony 48" ( Since Classe is a laid back amp, and the Vienna products use silk tweeters, I like the fast and liquid sound of silver cables. If you are willing to spend serious money, you might wish to consider Classe Omega series.
What amp did you use when you auditioned them? I say get it. If it was good enough to make you buy the speakers its good enough now.
I used a Goldmund Mimesis 29 w/these speakers in a medium sized room w/superb results. Extremely musical. Ended up deciding I could not afford these pieces and now have the Beethovens running on Ayres. Also extremely musical--but not at the level of the Mahlers/Goldmund.
I am using a Mark Levinson 335 with the mahlers, in a 8'(H) X 14' (W) X 20'(L) room, with good results. Plenty of power, amp seems to mate well with the speakers.
