Amp for Vandersteens 2ce sig 2's

If you had the choice...What amp would you mate with an Audible Illusions 3B preamp into Vandersteen 2ce Sig2's?
Vacuum tube? Solid state? Any comments are welcome. Thank you... All the best...

Showing 1 response by gymrome

I've beem using the Audiable Illusions Modulus 3A with a Music Reference RM9 MK II for about 15 years. I've settled on 6550 tubes but the KT88 is tempting. I like the Chinese 6550 as much or more than, the Winged SED 6550 when listening to overly vivid recordings... but then, excellent recordings sound a bit muffled. I hesitate to upgrade to the Modulus 3B and the RM200 Mk II because I'm afraid I wont like them as much. I've used NewForm,Maggies,Totem and now, modified NewForm's...Tiare, with great success. Hope this helps.