Amp for Vandersteen 2ci

Hi all, I am planning on upgrading my amp for my Vandersteen 2ci. I am looking for an amp with a little more power and with a budget at 2k. I currently have the B&K ST2140 amp with a Rotel RC-970BX preamp which I went to RC-995 preamp with balanced output. Their are a few amp I was thinking in no particular order:

Classe CA-200

Threshold Audio S-300

Parasound Halo A21

Krell KAV 250a

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

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Showing 1 response by maurice89

I had the Signature 2ce and they were very power hungry, my Hegel H100 needed to be at 85/100 to achieve 80db. You need some power, 150w @ 8ohm that doubles at 4ohm would be my suggestionÂ