Amp for Vandersteen 2ci

Hi all, I am planning on upgrading my amp for my Vandersteen 2ci. I am looking for an amp with a little more power and with a budget at 2k. I currently have the B&K ST2140 amp with a Rotel RC-970BX preamp which I went to RC-995 preamp with balanced output. Their are a few amp I was thinking in no particular order:

Classe CA-200

Threshold Audio S-300

Parasound Halo A21

Krell KAV 250a

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

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Showing 2 responses by lanx0003


Amps with Zero Feedback tend to make the Vandy's shine.

Interesting.  Based on my limited knowledge, the neg. feedback (NFB) of the amp. usually reduces distortion and improves both input and output impedances of the amp.  For example, it makes the output imp. lower and enhances the damping factor.  Could you elaborate on why technically the zero NFB makes this particular speaker shine? Thx.