Amp for use w/ REL Stentor III?

Hi all,

I recently took delivery of a REL Stentor III sub (damaged in shipping, thanks UPS!). Unfortunately, unlike the pic on REL and Sumiko's website, there are NOT dual left/right input jacks for either XLR or Neutrik inputs! I am told that this pic is of a prototype and this feature never made it to production. Major bummer...

The problem is that my amp (Ayre V-5) is balanced differential output so it is impossible to hook up the REL as a mono summing sub. I have called Sumiko and Ayre and neither had any bright ideas except to buy another Stentor(!). So my question is: Are there any amps out there that are as pure as the Ayre (corny, I know, but it IS a really good amp) but with common grounds at the speaker binding posts? I prefer SS and balanced inputs if at all possible. Equipment is Wadia 830, MD Etude, ARC LS12, homebrew monitors of flat 4ohm load.

Thanks for your suggestions and happy holidays!

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