amp for Silverline minuet supreme plus?

I just got a pair if this minimonitors I am using the onkyo 9555 class D, I don't particulary like the sound, wondering what combination are you using with sucess.
The speakers are great.

Showing 3 responses by tonyangel

I have a pair of the older Minuets coming in. It's been a while since I got to mess with these speakers, so I did some research and opinions ranged from their being the best thing since sliced bread to being on the bright side.

My experience with Onkyo gear is that it tends to sway toward the bright and thin side too. This may be your problem. I'd say that something that has the sound character of maybe an NAD amp would do the trick.
Since my last post, I got my Minuets in. I showed them to my cousin and he wanted to try them out. He's running some sort of Yamaha gear and after having heard his system, I'll reiterate, the Minuets can sound bright, with some material.

In my system, they sound wonderful. I'm running an NAD C162 pre amp and an Aragon 2004 amp. All cabling is from Blue Jeans.
Mountainsong, if I remember right, those jumpers aren't cheap. Did you try bi-wiring before you got the jumpers?

As for the amp, I did try some Minuets with a small NAD integrated. The 326BEE, I think it was. Very satisfying sound coming from that combo.