Amp for passive pre--more power or higher end?

Hello, I am looking for a power amp for about $500 to go with a passive pre.

My current system:

Passive volume control (Luminous Axiom) going into power section of NAD C320BEE integrated amp (50 wpc)
Ed Frias kit monitors (6.5 inch woofers)
Hsu subwoofer

I like the sound of the NAD. I am hoping to get better detail resolution, bigger sound, better ability to handle dense music (doesn't seem to cut it with orchestra music)

Am leaning toward a new NAD C272. But am also interested in higher end, lower power power amps, like a Bryston 60 wpc (used)

Any suggestions appreciated—-what could I expect from different approaches?

One thing, I am bi-amping with the subwoofer (NAD does not receive bass below 80hz) so I assume I am getting some benefit of extra power now.

Showing 2 responses by abarnett

Thanks for your posts

I was not able to get output voltage for the DAC. Based on what I knew, Tim Stinson at Luminous sent me an Axiom with a value of 2.5K (the resistor?). That has worked out great--I got a big improvement in clarity using the Axiom instead of the NAD's preamp. Tim (who was great to work with) said the Axiom I have should probably also work fine with a c272, although it is not the same as c320BEE.
Hi Bob

The passive volume control ($140) was an experiment. I was thinking about integrated amps with passive line stages (like Creek 5350) and wanted to see what would happen with sub inserted between passive pre and power amp--would long sub cable be OK. The sound improvement with the Axiom was, to my ears, dramatic and very enjoyable. It sounded so good that I thought, with a little more power I can stop (ha!). I don't need multiple inputs and don't care about remote