Amp for Harbeth P3ESR

I am looking for an amp synergy with Harbeths.

With one qualification. I was looking for an amp with a high-pass filter of some kind with use of a sub-woofer as to open the mid-range of the harbeth's a little and to extend the bass and improve impact.
Most of the amps suggested for the Harbeth sound are very minimalistic. (certainly the lfd which is my number one choice). How could I use a subwoofer in such a setup as described to open the midrange?

The one option I have found is the Naim Uniti but alas it is out of my price range and they hardly ever come up used on here.


Showing 2 responses by ghasley

Sam, an inexpensive solution with very little risk might be the new Wadia Powerdac 151. It is a small integrated with built in dac which lists for $1,195. It accepts only digital sources though and no pre-amp outs. I have not personally heard one but have a friend who was blown away at the sound quality for the money. I ordered one as I will be completely redoing my main system. I have no expectations but I will report back. At that price if you get a fair portion of the Wadia sound, it could be the sleeper hit of the year. I had a Peachtree Decco at one time which was also really good value.

Good luck, buying in this pricerange poses little financial risk,

"Either way the integrated amp will have to have *both* preamp out and amp in jacks (like NAD and Bryston) so that the integrated can be treated as separates."

Some of the Naim integrateds also do what Bob stated. Good luck and let us know how it turns out!