Amp for driving revel salon 2

Considering a Bryston 7B SST2 to drive the salons. Anyone has thoughts or other options.
I personally would likely find Bryston to be a bit lean and dry with Salon 2s.

Below is a link to a thread I started a few months back - there are some ideas and observations there you might find interesting. A lot of people like ML gear with the Salon 2s.
Thanks for all your responses. I will update my rig when I have it completed. Passion for audio is an infinite desire. It never seems to end. Always searching.... Sometimes I wonder, if it's just me?
"Sometimes I wonder, if it's just me?"

The sheer volume of classifieds on this site suggests otherwise, LOL.

I do have to say that I am extremely happy with what I have now - and feel very lucky that I got there quickly and can mostly stay off the merry-go-round for a while.