Amp Comparison procedure. Amp off when not in use?

We will be conducting an amp comparison this weekend between two solid state amps. Couple basic questions:

Would it be OK if we leave the amp on when we don't have any input/output connected to it to keep it warm? If so,

What is the best way to unplug? Remove speaker cables first, then remove input cables?

What is the best way to connect? Input cables first, then speaker cables?

Or would it be safer to turn off the amp completely when it is not connected to speakers?


Showing 1 response by philjolet


I disagree with the note taking. It should not be done at all but instead they should try to get into the music and forget everything else and sonic issues will present themselves.

Best to leave the conscious mind out of the equation and enjoy as much as possible.

I am sure I am leaving myself open to commentary with this remark!


