Amp circulation question

Due to a recent accident with my long interconnects I have placed my Classe CA-2200 amp in the bottom shelf of my Billy Bags rack and placed the system center of the speakers. It really sounds great there and looks stunning. Problem might be that there is very little air space between the top of the amp and the next shelf, about 1/2 of an inch. There is no restrictions on the sides, front or back, all is very open. I did put a temp probe on the top and the hottest place I could find measured a max of 104 degrees F. This was after playing for a few hours, metalica, symphony, LP's and SACD's, the most dynamic stuff I could find. The heat sinks on the sides were in the 96 degree range at worst. The amp does have thermal protection shut of but would like others experience with limited top circulation. I do think that the Classe disipates heat well with the side fins so this may be helping. Opinions welcome.

Showing 1 response by tom6897

As long as it sounds and looks great after playing all day as you say, I would not be too concerned. Those temperatures are not really all that high for an amp like the Classe'. Operating ranges are usually quite higher than we think.

Make sure the component on the next level up is not getting its feet too warm. You may need to isolate it from the heat if the bottom has no clearance. This may or may not be a long term situation???