American-made integrated tube amplifiers

I have been holding out for an American-made integrated tube amp. It seems, however, that all the recent buzz has been about Asian-made products. Obviously, economics has forced many of us to reconsider our equipment budgets. This most often narrows amp selection to foreign manufacturered designs. Is there an affordably priced "made-in-the-USA" integrated tube amp that clearly outperforms and outclasses the current comparative Asian products filling the approx. $1500 price range? A scan through the common publications indicate, not.

Showing 1 response by lapierre

Agree with Aball and Ehaller on the Cronus.

Plus you can get the upgrade for the power supply mod which permits the use of the KT90 power tube increasing the rated output power of the Cronus to 90WPC.

Cary SLI-80 is also an option but like Arthur said you have to buy it used.