American-made integrated tube amplifiers

I have been holding out for an American-made integrated tube amp. It seems, however, that all the recent buzz has been about Asian-made products. Obviously, economics has forced many of us to reconsider our equipment budgets. This most often narrows amp selection to foreign manufacturered designs. Is there an affordably priced "made-in-the-USA" integrated tube amp that clearly outperforms and outclasses the current comparative Asian products filling the approx. $1500 price range? A scan through the common publications indicate, not.

Showing 2 responses by ellery911


If one buys a used American product, it allows the original owner to perhaps upgrade within the same company.

It's not a hard and fast rule of course, as the person selling the used SLI-80 may be upgrading to something European like an Electrocompaniet set-up.

Then...the person who made the amplifier in Norway may buy a Chinese made amp.

Then...the person who made the amp in China can buy some rice.


Crazy world isn't it?

Kudos and I wish you the best of luck with your venture. People may scoff at the idea of "affordable" high end gear due to the "dilution" of the "elite" factor. I on the other hand look at it as you bringing the joy of "high end" audio to more people that couldn't otherwise afford it.


Blade Runner eh? I was thinking more '5th Element' with the Government Cheese hovercraft showing up at the windows of our itty bitty condos...and more "circus" to go along with the bread.