American Made Audio Products

I just came upon this and wondered if anyone else has seen this website. I try to support the home team when I can so this is interesting, at least as a resource, and not a sales tool. I apologize in advance if I’m late to the game on this but interesting to hear anyones thoughts, knowledge, etc. Thanks.


@darkj , great website!  It is a significant amount of work for a consumer to understand when a product is “Made in USA”, versus “Assembled in USA.”  I had this conversation with Dan Airens from Airens snowblowers about ten years ago, and that conversation led Airens to change the labeling on their line of snowblowers they were selling at Home Depot at that time. They misunderstood the FTC rules regarding labeling. 
What makes me chuckle are the “Designed in California” labels I often see. Many of the items we used that are made in a China, are designed in the USA. But to own items that are made in the USA, or any advanced economy, is a source of pride. 
Thanks again. 

@jimijack , your comment about McIntosh isn’t true. Perhaps you should research, then edit accordingly. 

While with some designs it’s hard to get all American-made inc fasteners etc. But on a few loudspeakers, I build every year I use 80% American no Chinese parts. All my cabinetry is hand-made in the WI USA with American materials glues and fasteners. Many of the speaker brands listed as American use Chinese cabinets crossover parts wire fasteners glues and drivers. So what is really made in America the McIntosh XR100 is 100% Chinese made. One needs to do research if country of origin matters.