American Made Audio Products

I just came upon this and wondered if anyone else has seen this website. I try to support the home team when I can so this is interesting, at least as a resource, and not a sales tool. I apologize in advance if I’m late to the game on this but interesting to hear anyones thoughts, knowledge, etc. Thanks.


Showing 2 responses by richopp

Since Magneplaners are the only speakers that DO NOT distort what you feed them, seems like you can buy American AND have the best possible sound at the same time.

Win-Win, I think they call that.



Nice graphs.  What are they of?  I have no idea. Who cares?  I can draw some graphs of Bose 901's that look wonderful--their ads have young, serious-looking men in long white lab coats and Buddy Holly glasses standing around with clipboards attesting to their "accuracy."  I am still laughing, 50 years later...

What I DO KNOW is that any box, horn, electrostat, ANYTHING other than Maggies changes what you put into it.

YOU may find that pleasing--in my shop, I sold you whatever you liked since we ran a business.  BUT, when the doors closed and we put the BEST STUFF into every speaker we had, only one reproduced what we put into it exactly.

Deal with it.