Amazon Ships Records in Plastic Now

Used to be that they would ship albums in an Amazon box or sometimes even a proper record mailer. The box wasn't a good fit, but it provided protection.  Now, they ship in plastic.  Both of my albums seemed to arrive okay, although I haven't had the chance to play them yet - visually they look fine. The Prime is convenient, but this does it for me - I'm not buying any more albums from Amazon. 

Showing 2 responses by teo_audio

So, $50 blues record, sent by Dog teeth tight clench carrier express.

Er, ok. Prolly no more records should be purchased by anyone at amazon.

They're apparently not investing the effort to get to the understanding that the packaging of the record, and the pressures placed upon the record, are, as a pair, critical to the item's functionality and core value as a purchase.

"This thing is no different than a 2012 calendar of puppies with MAGA Hats! Claim denied!"

Almost akin to shipping you a wine glass in a paper bag. You got the glass, so what is your problem? So what if it is in mild disarray! Permissible wear! Claim denied! For the seller and the purchaser!

Look for scratch covered jazz records at $5% off full retail,  in the warehouse deals section.....

I expect that this is the case, as well....

However, it being a full moon and under fairly stressful conditions, with that as a mood modifier and amplifier... I figured it was time to break out the 'off center spinning out of control over the top' big guns.