Amazon Music and Bluesound Node 2i

Anyone streaming Amazon Music with their Bluesound Node 2i?

I signed up for the three month trial period (I’m a Prime Member) and also the one month Tidal trial.

So far the integration of Amazon Music in the BluOs app sux. Tidal is much better in this respect. I’m not commenting on the sound quality as I haven’t really compared that yet. I’m just getting used to using the app and learning to use the two different streaming services. I really don’t care about MQA but Tidal is easier to use with the BluOs App.

Anyone have a similar experience and how does Quobuz and other services play with the Bluesound App?

Showing 3 responses by jjss49

sidebar (but related) question

for those that have used amazon hd and also tidal masters and qobuz hi res, how do the 3 sound to you, comparatively? 

and which of the three do you consider to be 'excellent' sounding in your subjective sense?

quboz works just fine... you use it through blu os... quboz does not have a direct app like tidal connect (as yet anyways)

i have heard amazon music has integration issues with many higher end streaming interfaces, i suspect it is pretty much assuming vast majority of folks who subscribe are using their computers or tablets to stream to mid fi gear

the user interface issue one of the major criteria/pain points when choosing high end streaming gear - so many make their custom ui's and then it is a crapshoot which services they build in.... or else you need to use vanilla apps like bubble upnp media monkey etc etc which are hamstrung in their own right or are designed for a much broader set of use cases than just music streaming

you know on bluos there is a ’garbage can’ button top right corner that clears the 'played' queue, yes?