Amazing Solo Piano Recordings

I'm looking to get your oppinions on the best solo piano recordings available. Style or genre is not important as long as the recording is pristine, clear, open and in your oppinion AMAZING! Please if you can, state artist, label, etc., so we audiogoner's can buy 'em!

Showing 1 response by 914nut

I can think of quite a few that I consider amazing, at least in the classical repertoire. (By "amazing", I mean
giving the sense that the instrument is in the room with me. Perhaps the original premise had more to do with the musicianship of the performer[?]).

Lately I've been trying to broaden my musical horizons, to the extent of buying some bluegrass, primarily AKUS, TBGT, Nickel Creek, etc. At the urging of one of my sons, I also bought a CD by Norah Jones: "Come Away With Me". (Not bad, but AKUS is still my "new favorite", heh heh.)

Back to Amazing Piano: track 14 on the Norah Jones CD, "The Nearness of You", contains some of the most natural piano sound I've heard. (Sure wish I could get used to her voice, with its characteristic hoarse whisper! First time I heard it I thought something in my system had gone south.)

Speaking of which:
Question for anyone familiar with this particular CD: What in hell is the noise 16 seconds into track 13,"The Long Day Is Over"? I can't determine if it's a cymbal, dubbed guitar distortion, or perhaps someone knocked the trap set over! Doesn't sound to me that it should be there.

Your thoughts, please?