Am I Too Cheep?

Looking to upgrade my source. I went with a HT set up to start and will get into 2 channel a little later. Since I am using a Rotel RSP 985 processor could I not just use the dacs in it and feed it directly with a RDD 980, Cal Delta etc keeping the signal path simple. Also how much difference is a killer cdp or dac really going to make? Correct me if I am wrong but doesnt the processor do all the conversion unless I have it in 2 channel passive mode? (I usually listen in surround mode as the 2 channel in the Rotel leaves a little to be desired).
Listening mostly to rock, jazz, pop and some classical. Also using Rotel power and B&W CDM speakers. Thanks for the input...

Showing 1 response by tsugury

How much difference is a a killer cdp or dac gonna make? I found in my system it made a large difference. Then some other component becomes the weakest link, but thats why people upgrade. Tom G