Am I too big of a jerk,even for audiogon?

Let me explain. I have extremely high and very vague standards. I look down on everything, and I mean everything, never talking about specifics or my own point of reference. I’ve looked down not just on people and equipment but science and facts as well. They are far far beneath me.  It is all too much for me to explain, but I am sure you are all doing it wrong.  WRONG, with a bold, underlined and hooker-script WRONG font used here.

I start these crazy troll posts which are incredibly successful in nabbing a lot of the regulars in audiogon.

I should be very happy with myself, but sometimes I have to wonder if my level of jerk is too much for all of you too handle. I’m trying to blaze a path, but are you with me audiofools or not???

Showing 12 responses by isochronism

Oops, and I DO know his.correct spelling. I can't even blame that on c and k being next to each other on keypad. Sorry OP
nonoise, Yes, I realized he didn't mean it the way some would take it (or twist it) that's just Joe. You must admit, both candidates give interesting speeches unlike anyone before them. This world is getting extra-interesting!!
Honestly Eric, I believe you suffer from multiple personality disorder, probably only two, which is known as split personality disorder. I arrived at this conclusion, because seemingly both of your personalities are responding in this particular thread. You probably, perhaps unknowingly, argue between yourselves whom will post next. Good luck.
jERiK, even though your name is close to spelling that out, you're being too hard on yourself. You do initiate thought provoking posts, as this one. Now, if you're being facetious here ..... where should we start?
stereo5, Now I'm not going either way here either, and don't want this to go into political match. Actually, recently dem Presidential candidate is on video referring to soldiers as "stupid b*$tards". True
Hey, wait a minute! ".. even for Audiogon"?Now that would seem to imply that we are all some level of a jerk here, and that you may be just a bigger one. Well ... ok.
Must been named after Erik the Red. He should be red with darn embarrassment after these threads of his!!