Am I the only one who doesn’t love Harbeth P3esr?

I purchased a pair of P3’s a month ago based on their
uniformly rave reviews online. I have tried them with 
3 different amps, in two different rooms, and with and without a sub, and am just not overly impressed,
using a variety of music. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I expected more OMG moments.
They certainly aren’t bad. Very detailed. But to me they sound bright which I never expected. And I just can’t get them to sound really good.
I have other speakers I gravitate to for listening sessions- KEF LS 50 and Klipsch RP 600ms.


Showing 1 response by mtemur

since they are close monitors they need to be used closer than 2.5mt. they also need to be placed very close to the back wall. not far more than 50cm. as a matter of fact they’re more like desktop speakers than bookshelf. falcon’s are a little bit forgiving on listening distance but more or less all ls3/5’s are need to be used inside 2.5mt. distance including original rogers. I listened them all (spendor, graham, rogers, harbeth, falcon) except shun mook. falcon sounds a little bit exotic but harbeth is the best among them. additionally finish is playing an important role on sound signature. I like the rosewood’s sound.
a good low powered English amplifier might help too or a Japanese el84 tube amplifier is even better.