Am I in the minority?

I was perusing some older posts today about computer audio and one that got me thinking was, "Once you go the computer audio route, you'll never want to listen to a CD player again." I've tried using only a computer as my transport into a USB DAC, and while it sounded great, I found I wasn't listening to digital music as much as when I had a CD player. For me, I actually enjoy selecting a CD from the rack, placing it on the tray, and watching the display read "Track 1". Unlike some I don't mind getting off the couch to replace the CD with another when it's done. That's one of the reason why vinyl is a better medium for me, also. I like watching the record spin as the tonearm is being lowered. Am I the only one who feels this way?

Showing 1 response by horseface

I went through the same thing ... I ripped everything to harddrive some time ago. I kept my disc collection at first, just for backup. Then I noticed after a while I was no longer listening to albums ... just tracks. I got sort of burned out on music for a time and quit listening altogether and then somewhere along the way, I started playing CD's again. I was sort of “reborn” and shortly after bought a turntable. I have been buying vinyl solid for 9 months now and I am really enjoying the sound of my setup and ritual of playing an album. I find I listen to the whole album if I go through the hassle of setting it up. I still listen to the computer but mostly vinyl and CD's. Turns out; I really like the labor involved in listening to music. I discovered that I am clearly a CD and LP collector. I would never part with my collection. I guess it's similar to stamps and bottle caps. I honestly wish I had a small room just for media storage. I have some pretty rare stuff along with lots of old discs that have followed me since my college days. I enjoy looking through the collection and finding some lost gem - then queuing it up. It really does take me back – lots of old concert memories. I started sticking the ticket stubs in the CD’s some time ago and have at least a hundred mixed in. I always get comments when people look through the collection. Yet another reason to wander through the shelves.
So I guess you’re not alone