Am i going crazy

I usually listen to my NHT super twos with and audiosource amp two. I switch amps just as a test, with the vintage marantz model 140, and i loved it. More bass, and exciting, it just seemed more intense. It may be coloration, i dont know. I know audiosource isnt the best amp , but i know its good for the money, an i'm by far dont have an audiophile mega budget. please comment.

Showing 1 response by fam124

No, you're definitely not going crazy, Yamski. Rather, you have just been introduced to the realm of vintage audio gear lust; a very legitimate alternative/opposite end of the spectrum to chasing the so-called latest and greatest. Why not just sit back for a while and ENJOY the fruits of your happenstance. Next thing you know, you might just find yourself itching to log onto the Asylum's "Vintage" forum at,
Good listening!