Am I dreaming?

Ok, I have been building great sounding systems for about 40 years.  Some were modest cost a few were built with some very expensive exclusuve high end brands but all of them were very musical  and enjoyable to listen to.  I have just retired this January and I would like simplfy my system so I am looking for a quality integrated.  However this integrated must have a quality mc phono section and a very high quality built in headphone amp. SS or tube doesn't really matter.  Budget will be determined if there is a acceptable product.  Does this product exist? 
I love the Vinnie Rossi gear...I have heard it at RMAF in Denver many times and talked with Vinnie, he’s an electronic genius IMO.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Primaluna.  Their Dialogue HP integrated can be fitted with a phono input, which I've heard is very good.  It's an extra $300.  It has a headphone amp built in, is very flexible with tube rolling, and it sounds great.  You could have a new one delivered, with the phono input for under $5k.  One box, good resale, good sound.  I think it checks all of your boxes, and isn't McIntosh money.  (nothing against the Mac gear!!)

I'm on my second PL integrated, and have no desire to look at any others.  Mine does not have the phono input, so I can't comment on its quality.  But with a Manley Chinook phono preamp, it's spectacular.
IMHO,your not going to find what your looking for in a single box. You would be better off with a high quality intergrated and headphone amp and phono stage.
Rogue Pharaoh integrated. Has an excellent MM/MC phono stage and a likewise headphone amp. $3500 new.