Am I defective?

I took organ lessons in the late 50s on my Dad’s Hammond C3 with Leslie. Got as far as a rudimentary version of William Tell Overture.

I have been watching music reviews on YouTube. Doing the reviews are regular folks, vocal coaches, musicians, professionals, etc.

Artists reviewed are Phil Collins, Disturbed, Zep, many drummers and guitar players, etc.

Many of the reviewers are moved to tears. I swear at least one female reviewer is close to orgasm.

While I appreciate the music it does not affect me any way near to how the reviewers are affected.

Is it me?




Showing 2 responses by mahgister

My sincere sympathy for your dear mom mahler123...

My deepest respect too...

No it is not you...

Or it is you...

Everyone has a particular relation to music...

Some are moved by thousand songs...

Some are moved by one...

And everything else between these extreme...

And some can touch ectasy with some Beatles or Dylan  song... Which i only feel as good but without ectasy...

How many people are amazed by Bach art of the fugue.. ? It gives me some ectasy...

By the way i like very much hammon organ, but i never feel in ectasy withy it in spite of my 60 albums or more...

And wait till you stumble on some music made for you than you will feel it hugely...Perhaps even ectasy...

For me it was Bach and Scriabin...Or some others pieces of classical...Liszt put me in ectasy too... And few others composers.. it is often related to the way they are interpreted ... No versions of the same composer do the same thing...

i like Jazz and iranian and Indian music a is more rare here that i felt ectasy... I appreciated it most of the times...No ectasy...Save in rare case...