Am I deaf?

I've got three CD outfits here on loan from my dealer. A Linn Ikemi, a Bel Canto DAC 1 running off a Pioneer 525 DVD player and a Classe CDP. They all sound almost EXACTLY the same. After hours of switching cables, power cords and anything else I could think of, I did form a slight preference. And that was for the Pioneer DVD running straight into my amp! This freaked me out so much that I subjected my wife to the same test. She also preferred the DVD player. What in the hell is going here? Associated Equipment: Classe CAP 100 integrated amp, Sennheiser HD600 headphones, Von Schewikert VR3 speakers, Cardas and Kimber cables.

Showing 1 response by subaruguru

Yup...junk the Classe. Wanna solve the problem on the cheap? I recommend the Audio Refinement Complete Integrated. Phenomenal 50w/ch SMOOTH piece. Their CD is mighty nice for the bucks, too. Both pieces are a LITTLE rolled off up top. Re: passive's all about whether your front end can drive your amp, isn't it? If there's insufficient drive there'll be less dynamic headroom. If there IS sufficient gusto the advantages are multifold.