Am I asking too much?

I’ve  been looking to finally buy the cartridge my turntable - a restored Garrard 401 with Reed 3P tonearm - deserves.  So I sent a note to a local Koetsu dealer - wanting to support them over your typical big names (e.g., Music Direct, Upscale Audio, etc.) particularly during covid.  Though I’ve never bought from this local place,  I’ve visited them before a couple times, and live less than 10 miles away.   When I asked the dealer if they provide turntable set-up — remember, this is for a $7000 cartridge — he told me that they refer people to a local company for that (which means of course at an additional charge).

wtf?  So the only service provided by the local dealer is to order the cartridge that I can get cheaper on-line and then refer me to someone else to provide actual service.  Anybody else have a reaction to this?

Showing 12 responses by mdalton

@asvjerry that just seems like a very tortured rationalization for bad service.  if you don’t want to do b&m don’t do it.  i know another local place that doesn’t do that much high end - they carry Mcintosh for those who want to spend a lot on audio.  but where they make their money is thru amazon sales - they move a ton of product, mainly of video variety, and most of it is not local.  that’s how they survived financial crisis.  i buy my non-audiophile stuff there - tvs, sonos, av receivers, etc., nothing big, but i have a relationship with the store manager - I’m not important to his bottom line, but he’ll do extra stuff for me - have been friendly for over 10 years.  way better business person - realizes that “how you do anything is how you do everything.”
ok, so it didn’t go well.  I’ve attached the email trail below, deleting all potential identifiers.  he basically said, “oh, we do setup, but only if you pay full msrp”, which means it would cost me $700.  And he certainly did not communicate this up front.  my view? going for the quick sale, didn’t have to do anything but point and click and make whatever his markup is.  pretty lame approach to doing business.  read from the bottom up for your prurient interest.

We do offer free setup, but only at retail.  I figured you were interested in a lower price.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: Cartridge

Thanks.   I appreciate your knocking off 10%(?) on price, but am a little surprised re set-up.  Seems like at this level that would be part of the package, as opposed to having me contract with someone else.  Not trying to be unreasonable, but I know I can get the cartridge a little cheaper.  My preference is to support my local dealers, but I expect more service in exchange.


On Aug 30, 2020, at 10:17 PM, wrote:

Sorry. I did not put 2 and 2 together. How have you been?
Your price on the cartridge will be $6,295 + tax.
For in-home setup, we are referring those to Dr. Vinyl.  He is a true pro and very reasonable.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2020 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: Cartridge

Thanks for your response. Yes, I am local, and have visited your shop a couple times.  Three questions: 1) what would be your price; 2) how long would you expect for delivery; and 3) would you offer in-home setup?  I set up my current cartridge with a borrowed Dr. Feichert, but it’s a $450 Hana EH, so the stakes are a little higher here.

On Aug 30, 2020, at 7:21 AM, 
We really like the Urushi cartridges.  They maintain the signature Koestu warmth, but and better bass extension and dynamics.
We are happy to place an order for you. Are you local?
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2020 4:19 PM
Subject: Cartridge 
Hi, I hope this note finds you well.  I’m in the market for a new cartridge, and have been thinking about a Koetsu, specifically the Urushi Tsugaru.  If I’m not mistaken, you carry the brand.  I’m curious if you have experience with the Tsugaru or any of the other Urushis.  My turntable is a restored Garrard 401, with a Reed 3P tonearm (cocobolo, with an effective mass of 18 g).  I would welcome your thoughts.

wow.  what about preferences on SUTs?  I will need one for first time; am corresponding with Andrew Rothwell (quite the contrast from the local deSker in terms of service, btw.  more like your experience with Schroeder)

”Too bad you did not clarify all the details prior to purchase”

what are you talking about? blame the customer/victim??  Please re-read the email trail. 
my 3P is a 12” cocobolo, 18g effective mass.  and yes, it came with a cardboard protractor.  
Had it restored by Woodsong Audio - motor rebuild, new precision eddy brake disc, original thrust bearing replaced, new gorgeous plinth, etc.
@millercarbon -  lol, love the passion! I set up my current cartridge with a borrowed Dr. Feichert, but that was a$450 Hana EL - much lower stakes.  Happy to do it again, but do believe a local dealer would want to nurture a relationship.  

@noromance @dekay @roxy54 @lewm @jjss49  - yes, was going to respond but wanted to get a read from others first, based on their experience.  My going in thought was that if he came in $500 above but did set-up, I’d do that trade (not just for the setup but to support a business in my local community).  What took me aback was the note saying they refer setup to some other company.  Not “we’re doing this due to covid” or “we’ll do it for $200”.  But the way he did it, it puts me in the position, as the customer, of feeling like I’m asking for a favor.  Oh well...
honest mistake.  sorry for being snippy.  looks like I’m gonna be ordering online.  what’s your cartridge btw?


my issue with the local dealer was not that he would use someone else to do set-up, but that he was telling me:  “good luck with that. if you want help, call this guy.  he won’t charge you that much.”  he also pretty obviously changed his story when i asked about it, which goes to integrity.  not cool.  

thanks for your note.  will keep you posted. am close to pulling trigger.  it’s a big investment, and i go all hamlet-like on major purchases (e.g., “maybe the etsuro cobalt, or the new Hana”, etc.).  but i really love the idea of a koetsu, originally voiced on a 401, in my system (and it’s pretty to boot!).