Am I asking too much?

I’ve  been looking to finally buy the cartridge my turntable - a restored Garrard 401 with Reed 3P tonearm - deserves.  So I sent a note to a local Koetsu dealer - wanting to support them over your typical big names (e.g., Music Direct, Upscale Audio, etc.) particularly during covid.  Though I’ve never bought from this local place,  I’ve visited them before a couple times, and live less than 10 miles away.   When I asked the dealer if they provide turntable set-up — remember, this is for a $7000 cartridge — he told me that they refer people to a local company for that (which means of course at an additional charge).

wtf?  So the only service provided by the local dealer is to order the cartridge that I can get cheaper on-line and then refer me to someone else to provide actual service.  Anybody else have a reaction to this?

Showing 2 responses by jjss49

personal service is a dying concept in many fields, audio is just one

covid debacle is wiping out many of the few smaller folks still trying to make it by providing good service and customer care

we should look outside our lil hifi bubbles and see the world that is around us, realize we are lucky to have nice homes, nice hifis to listen to in peace and comfort while most of the world struggles

put it all in perspective, complain less, be kind and forgiving and give others the benefit of the doubt and good will

we will be happier for sure, and maybe if enough of us do it, the world and our society will be better for it

ps - i miss jerry raskin :)
i also agree with noromance

did you nicely ask the retailer why? curious to know the response

even seemingly unreasonable people can sometimes have their reasons, at least give them a chance to explain

in these times, maybe it lack of staff due to covid? who knows....