Altos or Utopia

Looking to upgrade. Has anyone heard the Altos and the older Utopia. I heard the Utopias (used) and they are beautiful. Considering which to get...I would appreaciate your suggestions...Thanks. PS: Novas blow my budget.
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Showing 2 responses by warrenh

I was disappointed in the bass. Shouldn't have to purchase a subwoofer after spending $20k IMHO. Also, the BE tweeter is nice, but not the end all in tweeters. Don't get caught up in the advertising hype that Beryllium is the ticket to tweeter nirvana. You can do better.
Now if you want a $9k speaker that sounds like a $20k, or there around, try the Zuaudio Definition 1.5s. You won't be hurting for bass and a midrange to die for. 101db! Makes way for SET. Plus a 1ft sq. footprint. Takes up a lot less space than the Altos and delivers much more sound...IMHO..