Altis Audio Reference Manual

Fellow goners,

I'm wondering if anyone out there has an owner's manual for an Altis Audio Reference DAC. I just bought one from a guy and he had lost the manual.

BTW, if you ever run across one of these DACs at a reasonable price, grab it quick. After I got mine, there was no question that I'd soon be selling my TriVista 21 DAC (which I did). The altis was world's apart.

Thanks in advance.
I have found my copy of the manual. Took a while. I have the 4V tube version w/ 4 12AU7s. There was also a 2V version with 2 12AX7s. I also have three reviews which provide some additional info about the DAC. I have had mine for about 6-7 years. I still enjoy it. Unfortunately, the owner and engineer, Howard Mandel, for Altis Audio died back, I believe, in 2002 from leukemia.

The manual and reviews are hardcopy. If you will send me your fax number I can get them to you or your address and I will mail it.

By the way, the Altis CDT-III is a great transport and matches well with the DAC.

Do you have the white or yellow caps? I have the two volt with the transformer upgrade.
Hello, Jim.

I have an Altis Pro Reference DAC/Digital Processor, and I need the manual. I'm not sure what the difference id between the Pro version and the 'non-Pro' version. I got the Reference to mate with my Centauri CD transport.
I don't have a fax but could send you my postal address. Email me at and I will send you my address.

I have the Reference DAC and the Centauri Transport that I am hooking back up after being shelved for the past 15 years.  If anybody is still active with these plaese let me know as the dates of these posts go Way Back..  I would live to start a dialog.  Jon Eilers Atlanta, GA

I just got an Altis CDT-1, and am looking for an owners manual (copy/pdf/whatever).
If you have one you are will to share, or know someone that does, please let me know.
regards -- Roger