
Responses from jagxjr15

The Audio Critic
Though his magazine was always The Audio Critic (with the same typeface), Peter Aczel had two very different lives as a consumer audio journalist. Initially, from 1977 through early 1981, The (small-circulation ) Audio Critic was in thrall to, and... 
Altis Audio Reference Manual
Hello, Jim.I have an Altis Pro Reference DAC/Digital Processor, and I need the manual. I'm not sure what the difference id between the Pro version and the 'non-Pro' version. I got the Reference to mate with my Centauri CD transport. I don't have a... 
Altis Centauri Transport?
Hello, Brian. I was very sorry to learn that your brother Howard had passed away. He and Altis are still very highly regarded by the audio community and he is sorely missed.I have just purchased an Altis Centauri transport on eBay from a seller in...