Altis Audio Centauri Transport

Does anyone have any listening experience with the Centauri? I would appreciate any feedback, especially how it compares with other transports that are considered state of the art. Thank you.

Showing 1 response by deano

I heard it in two different high resolution systems and fell in love with it but poor me...I could not afford it at the time so I bought it's little brother, the Altis CDT-3. The Centuri crushes the Levinson which I am familiar with and also the CEC TL-1X which I have heard many times. If I had been in the market to buy a few weeks ago I could have bid on one here on Audiogon.The starting bid for one was around $7000.00! Now that would have been nice.I also never use to be into looks but man is that thing gorgeous! GTT had it on auction but I don't remember seeing if it was sold.The Jadis and Oracle are nice too but my nod goes to the Centuri.