Alternatives to Rogue Stereo 100

I've been thinking about adding a tube component to my heretofore all SS system.  I've got the opportunity to pick up a new Rogue Stereo 100 power amp for about $1000 off it's normal $3495.  I'm familiar with its reputation, and I'm wondering if there is anything else in that price range ($2500) I should be considering.  I've got an Ayre pre and PMC TB2i speakers, and my sources are VPI turntable and Mytek DAC for all things digital.  PMC's are 90 db sensitivity.  Currently running a Primare SS amp, but I also have an Aragon 8008MKII.  Between the Ayre and the PMCs, my system is probably a little lean, and I'd like to hear what a good tube amp will do.  Mostly classical and acoustic and "audiophile" stuff on this system.  Save the heavy stuff for downstairs.  Appreciate any feedback.
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Showing 2 responses by lowrider57

The Rogue provides good power on demand, very good build quality, but has more of a neutral sonic signature. It has true, accurate sonics and is not warm and coloured. 
If you're looking for classic tube sonics, it's best paired with a warm tube preamp.
No, I’m saying that the Rogue house sound is not a warm and classic tube sound when compared to brands like McIntosh or PrimaLuna. Your post sounded like you are looking for a "tubey" sounding amp, something warm and not lean.

Rogue is accurate and neutral, but you can always roll in some warmer tubes.
I’m stressing the point that their amps provide pleasant sonics, but they are more neutral than warm. But you will get a full range tube sound from the 100 amp.