Alternatives to Musical Fidelity M3 Nuvista


I recently have upgraded to a Nuvista integrated and although it is very clear it becomes bright and wearing, there is loads of slam and energy.

The rest of my system is Esoteric SA-10, Dynaudio Focus 220 which are both known for being smooth. Im looking for a really detailed musical but smooth amplifier, also maintaining the slam and scale for orchestral and rock. I was thinking of one of the Marantz PM-15S1 or maybe the NAD M3

Any thoughts or alternative amps


I improved the sound of mine by getting a better power cord and umbilical cables from Sweetcome in Hong Kong. But I never found it bright. I am using Van den Hul The First interconnects and Cardas Golden Reference speaker cable. I have used others of both and several speakers, Spendor, Mini Utopia, and Apogee among others and have never found them unpleasant with any of them. I don't thing either of the amps you mention are likely to be an improvement. I would work with the M3, you can get more out of it.
You might tame it with ICs depending on what you are using currently.

DNM Reson ICs are not expensive to try and what I have used to take the edge off a system while retaining most else when needed.

Im using a Sonoran IC, its an older one but very highly regarded at the time. Im using Vampire II speaker cable, i moved to this from my previous Synergistic Research Quad which was even brighter. For power im just using a stock 20 amp power cord.

I have a Tri-Vista 300 and NHT 3.3 speakers. I had very good results with upgrading the power chord with a Virtual Dynamics and for inter connects I use harmonic technolgy and their speaker cables 9+. All three moves improved it that much more. Speaker cables and power chord made the biggest differance. Have to agree with Stanwal their is a lot more to get out of what you have versus the ones you mentioned. I made my own umbilical chords from the power supply. The stock ones have hardly any sheilding to speak of.
I'd have to agree with a number of the other posters in that I think you can extract better from the Nuvista. On the occasions I've heard this amp (admittedly a while ago), it was certainly not bright. Transparent yes, but not bright.

I think the Marantz amplifiers are very smooth, but I think you'd need to go further up their pecking order to get to the M3 quality level - perhaps the PM-11 integrated. IMHO the NAD amp is not in the same class as the M3.