Alternatives to Dunlavy SC-IVA???

The SC-IVA is the speaker I had my sights set on for quite a while. Now that they're gone, can anyone suggest any alternatives I should look into. I really liked the soundstaging, imaging, and bass response?


I agree with Piezo regarding the purchase of SC-IVa speakers. I have been am are still very happy with mine and as I can understand one's fear of buying speakers from a defunct company, there are many who prefer the musicality of these speakers over all similarly priced competition. Similarly priced would be defined based on normal retail pricing. At throw away pricing it should be any easy decision.
I second Fredgarvin's suggestion of considering VMPS. Particularly their RM40 speaker (similar in size/shape to the SC-IV).
In one of my discussions with John Dunlavy he told me if he was buying a speaker and his were not avalible he would get the Thiel six series or higher as a match for the IVa. He felt they were the second most acurate speaker on the market. I have spent some time with the CS-7.2 and in some respects like them more than my IVa's.
I third the VMPS line, particularly the new RM/x which is arguably a superior speaker if you value incredible resolving power and detail.
