Alternatives to Brick and Mortar

I didn't want to further derail @millercarbon's Tekton Moab thread, but I think it is a worthwhile topic to discuss how to find speakers that meet our listening tastes, aesthetic tastes, budget, room, etc. Brick and mortar retail is dying because it's becoming very difficult to operate profitably. 

Full disclosure - I own and operate an e-commerce cycling business. For ten years, I also had a brick and mortar operation (multiple locations). The economics are a bit different than audio since our average sale was only in the very low three figures, but it's not that different. We still had bicycles that we sold for over $10K, but the cost of those sales was quite high. Over the ten years we had the stores (which were 4-5 times the national average in size and revenue), we made a profit from the stores in three of those years. Fortunately, our e-commerce business was much more profitable and allowed us to cover those losses. 

Brick and mortar is becoming more expensive due to higher lease rates, higher payroll costs, and competition with other sales channels. To keep a brick-and-mortar sales channel viable, the manufacturer has to offer the dealer a fairly sizable margin (generally 35% to 60%) and have enough sales velocity that the store can cover their expenses. It's pretty rare these days that there are products that fly off the shelves at a specialty audio retailer. 

Our handling costs are a lot lower in our e-commerce operation, but even in this business, the only products we're willing to carry that have less than 40% margins are products we can get 8 turns or more on. This means that the manufacturer has to have plenty of back stock and be able to replenish our inventory quickly, and also means that the product has to have high and consistent sell-through so we can accurately predict our inventory requirements.

For a specialty audio dealer, there are very few products that have high volume. If you think about how much time you've taken up of a dealer, products you've brought home to listen to, etc., versus the products you've actually purchased, it's an awful lot of cost that has to be absorbed by the dealer. I've read countless posts on this forum and others of people that have brought multiple products home from the dealer (or from an e-commerce vendor) only to return it. This costs the dealer (whether brick-and-mortar or e-commerce) a lot. A lot of this returned product has to be sold as open-box or b-stock at considerably less profit, let alone the shipping cost that is often absorbed by the dealer. To stay in business, they have to make enough profit on the product they actually sell to cover their expenses.

For an audio manufacturer, they have to consider the cost vs the value added by having a brick and mortar channel. More and more are deciding they can offer more value to the consumer by keeping the dealer margin in their own coffers. 

My career has resulted in my living in a number of different areas in the country since I've been an audiophile, so I've probably shopped at 25-30 different stores. Very few of these have had listening rooms that did the products justice. In many cases, the rooms were crammed with 5 to 20 different speakers. Even in the shops that catered to high-end budgets, the speakers were not optimally set up. This isn't surprising since the dealer is trying to sell a lot of different models. 

In the more affluent markets, dealers are willing to provide home auditions which helps a lot, but this is expensive for the dealer and they have to count on a reasonable conversion rate. Too many consumers are willing to take advantage of dealers that offer this. I've seen posts from consumers that literally try a dozen or more speakers, or other components. How do they expect the dealer network to survive. 

So what's the alternative? I think for the manufacturer, the best alternative is to do what companies like PS Audio offer. They have a very nice showroom at their facility if you are willing to make the effort. They offer easy returns if you want to purchase a product and aren't happy. And they participate in many audio shows where you can compare their products against many others. By selling direct, they save the considerable dealer margin can cover a lot of customer service costs, including dealing with higher returns and supporting more audio shows.

Sorry for the long post. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas. 

Showing 3 responses by mozartfan

Still doesn't solve the problem for very large speakers or massive amplifiers which need to be shipped LTL freight where return shipping would be $1000 but it is an interesting idea for smaller, lighter products.

Yeah my speakers are @ 60 lbs, Very close to my limit to handle/or ever acre to move, I have zero interest in any speaker more than say 90 lbs. MAX, so 60-90, should be speaker size, Labs making over 90 lbs,, will not survive. 
Speakers costing more than say,,,ohh $3K/pair, is pretty much max for this post CV19 economy. , I could never fork out more than $3K for a speaker. At $3K, I would expect Beryllium tweets, if not Diamond Tweets from Seas at $7K a  pair..,,,hummm wait something is wrong,, $3K , tweets Diamond @ .$7K pair,,, well no I should not expect a  $3K speaker to include the SEAS Diamond tweeter at $7K a  pair,, tahts ridiculous. 
Point is, labs have to consider scaling down, both in size and price. 
~~Big~~ (size/price) is Dinosaurish. 
My MTM speakers are big on sound, , I never fell for that gimmick ~~Bigger The Better~~

back in 1974, a  friend and i would compare the gigantic macintosh vs the Electro Voice A1's with a  back firing voice coil woofer,+ woofer  + mid tweet in front,, We perfered the A1's over the Macintosh  which boasted 15+ drivers in each cabinet. 
Sure the Macintosh produced more db level, yet the A1's had a   greater finesse for music. The Mcintosh you needed a  fork life to move,, The A1's, a  cinch. 
If I may, throw  a tomato at this point,, in this experience ,,, I find the Wilson line, ~over  bloated, over hyped~For which reason they sit,,and sit,,and never move,,not not in a  living room,,I am speaking on the used,,and UNWANTED market
Wilson used, shipping,,pick up ONLY or shipping $1K+

And throw Covid 19 on top of all this, which equals good dealers going out of business for good......

No doubt, , Hifi dealers?? where? maybe Chicago, NYC, LA, Denver,, cities with pops of more than 5 M,, Houston.. But here in New Orleans, ziltch. There are onlya  few hifi buffs left in this city,,and we are getting up in age. 
Its a dying hobby, as we've all known past,,ohh 10 years or so. 
A hifi retail store would really only bea  good place to actually hear a  certain speaker,,and then,, yep, head on over to the 3 main places for used audio gear,,and take your picks and makes some offers,, You can see listings running into days/weeks/months on nearly all components, That said, some gear sells fast, I picked up a  Jadis DPL  in less than 24 hrs after listed. I typed in jadis every day and GOT IT, a  preamp i needed badly.
As for speakers,, most are too heavy to ship,,at least economically, *impossible* to return., Unless you have $$$$ to return ship, and which seller will accep ta  return on a large   speaker??
Times will be tough ahead for any speaker lab/dealer/reseller.
This is a  post CV19 era, where  things are all topsy turvey. 
Buying new speakers, ?? when the market is full of used offerings at   steep discounts. 
Amps/preamps, have some market value, however higher up price scale, slower will be the sale. 
Every now and then we see a  **newbie** introducing his questions,,,,,not enough entrants into this hooby to keep all labs afloat over comming decades. 
Its all about survival for some of us, hifi budgets will be the 1st to be cut. 

Audio shows for sure,,, The only way labs will reamin open over comming years if via audio shows. Every major city. 2X's a  year. Along with these shows , labs will need to supply pre buyers with local techs who will service that component. 
A good tech  is dif to come by, repairs in a  timely , reasonable cost. 
I called Brooks Jadis shop in Los Angeles , he suggests I ship the Defy7 for a  ck up,, = ship fees each way =$$$ Ridiculous. 
batron Rouge tech, not convenient, too slow on repairs,  weeks on end. Thankfully i found a  exp tech here in new orleans, by a  stroke of luck.